2 research outputs found

    Evaluaci贸n de gallinaza a granel en dos diferentes texturas de suelo sobre el rendimiento de papa (Solanum tuberosum L.)

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    The objective of the research was the effect of bulk poultry manure on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) yield in two soil textures; for this purpose, a chemical analysis was carried out and five doses were evaluated; 10,000, 8,000, 6,000, 4,000kg/ha; plus the absolute control 0. Each experimental unit consisted of four furrows of 3.00 m length and 0.90 m between furrows, obtaining an experimental area of 10.8 m2 per replications. A chemical analysis of the poultry manure was carried out before its application, which allowed adjusting the doses according to the nutrient content and avoiding possible environmental and health problems. The research contributes to the knowledge of the use of organic residues such as poultry manure in agriculture, and may have practical implications for farmers' decision making on the application of organic amendments. In sandy loam soil, the 10,000 kg/ha dose of bulk poultry manure produced the highest total tuber yield, while, in clay loam soil, the 8,000 kg/ha dose produced the highest yield, however, in sandy loam soil, no significant difference in tuber quality was observed for the three qualities evaluated. Overall, the results suggest that bulk poultry manure can have a positive effect on potato yield, but the appropriate dose should be adjusted according to soil type.La investigaci贸n asumi贸 como objetivo el efecto de la gallinaza a granel en el rendimiento de papa (Solanum tuberosum L.) en dos texturas de suelo; para ello se realiz贸 un an谩lisis qu铆mico y se evaluaron cinco dosis; 10,000, 8,000, 6,000, 4,000kg/ha; m谩s el testigo absoluto 0. Cada unidad experimental estuvo conformada por cuatro surcos de 3.00 m de longitud y 0.90 m entre surcos, obteniendo un 谩rea experimental de 10.8 m2 por repeticiones. Se realiz贸 un an谩lisis qu铆mico de la gallinaza antes de su aplicaci贸n, lo que permiti贸 ajustar las dosis de acuerdo con el contenido de nutrientes y evitar posibles problemas ambientales y de salud. La investigaci贸n contribuye al conocimiento de la utilizaci贸n de residuos org谩nicos como la gallinaza en la agricultura, y puede tener implicaciones pr谩cticas en la toma de decisiones de los agricultores sobre la aplicaci贸n de enmiendas org谩nicas. En suelo franco arenoso, la dosis de 10,000 kg/ha de gallinaza a granel produjo el mayor rendimiento total de tub茅rculos, mientras que, en suelo franco arcilloso, la dosis de 8.000 kg/ha produjo el mayor rendimiento, sin embargo, en el suelo franco arenoso, no se observ贸 una diferencia significativa en la calidad de los tub茅rculos para las tres calidades evaluadas. En general, los resultados sugieren que la gallinaza a granel puede tener un efecto positivo en el rendimiento de la papa, pero la dosis adecuada debe ajustarse seg煤n el tipo de suelo. &nbsp

    Training and capacity building in LMIC for research in heart and lung diseases

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    Stemming the tide of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) worldwide requires a multipronged approach. Although much attention has been paid to disease control measures, there is relatively little consideration of the importance of training the next generation of health-related researchers to play their important role in this global epidemic. The lack of support for early stage investigators in low- and middle-income countries interested in the global NCD field has resulted in inadequate funding opportunities for research, insufficient training in advanced research methodology and data analysis, lack of mentorship in manuscript and grant writing, and meager institutional support for developing, submitting, and administering research applications and awards. To address this unmet need, The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute鈥揢nitedHealth Collaborating Centers of Excellence initiative created a Training Subcommittee that coordinated and developed an intensive, mentored health-related research experience for a number of early stage investigators from the 11 Centers of Excellence around the world. We describe the challenges faced by early stage investigators in low- and middle-income countries, the organization and scope of the Training Subcommittee, training activities, early outcomes of the early stage investigators (foreign and domestic) and training materials that have been developed by this program that are available to the public. By investing in the careers of individuals in a supportive global NCD network, we demonstrate the impact that an investment in training individuals from low- and middle-income countries can have on the preferred future of or current efforts to combat NCDs